One can never have too many animals in their life, and truly over the last few months I have been blessed with a plethora of fantastic fur friends. So, I thought I’d compile a short guide to the amazing critters that I love.

Kaylee is my #1. My ride or die cat. That’s a thing now, just so you know.

She’s been my fur baby since 2012 when she showed up on my doorstep in Prince Edward Island. She had been either thrown from a car or hit by one, and had a broken leg, and a missing fang. She was hungry and came to my door looking for some TLC. I hadn’t intended on adopting another cat (seeing as I’m very allergic), but I opened the door, she sauntered in, and after she ate up her first meal in who knows how long, she came up to me, curled up in my lap and stared lovingly at me.

It was game over from there and I knew I had to accept the fact that I was the new owner of Kaylee.

The photo on the right is Kaylee (and me) on the day she showed up at my home, and furrever changed my life.

Dexter is my very good office son who belongs to one of my day job coworkers. I LOVE HIM DEARLY and he comes to me for ear scratches and it is VERY WONDERFUL to take short breaks to run around the office chasing him, and to play with him.

Mr. Cupcake is a new and dear fur friend that I’ve discovered since starting my new job. Yes, Mr. Cupcake is his real name (according to his collar) and he is “very friendly and very loved” by his family of young girls who dote on him (from what I can see).

He often sits in the parkette near my office and watches the birds and squirrels go by. He looks like he’s always going to attack them but he’s just a good, soft boy at heart. I think. I hope. I don’t want to come between Mr. Cupcake and his prey but also don’t eat birds, my friend.

He always comes running up to me and loves getting pets… plus he’s very photogenic and lives to love the camera. He’s very good.

I saw Mr. Muffin one of the first times that I met Mr. Cupcake. I just thought that the nearby parkette was filled with the best good cats… and it is. I have not seen Mr. Muffin in that spot since but upon walking around the neighbourhood a bit, I’ve run into him a couple other times. He’s a fluffy, good boy, and he also loves attention and is very friendly.


Okay, I just met this cat recently but I love her and also I’m naming all stray cats without collars after baked goods.

Okay, so Hairy doesn’t come around all that much anymore, but every single morning after garbage day, my tiny friend faithfully got stuck at the bottom of my garbage bin, which would mean helping him escape regularly. I got to see my trash panda son grow up as he continually got trapped…over and over again.

I miss him and his trash son ways.