I have exciting news TWO DAYS IN A ROW! I’ve been given the go ahead to talk about a new upcoming series that I’ve had the absolute pleasure of working on as an editor.

TARTARUS is a new series coming out from Image Comics. Written by Johnnie Christmas and with art by Jack T. Cole… honestly friends, it has been a goddamn treat to see this book come to life.

And speaking of LIFE, I’ve been given the opportunity by the team to work on back-ups for the series that will be included in the book starting at Issue #2. I’m doing a series called, well, LIFE, with artist extraordinaire, Megan Huang. It’ll be a short set of standalone stories that intertwine to tell a tale about several alien creatures living on a faraway planet. I am so stoked.

But back to TARTARUS for a hot second, because that’s the hot ticket here! Let me share the synopsis from the OFFICIAL IMAGE COMICS PAGE (wowowowow!!!):

A new adventure series with all the sci-fi drama of Breaking Bad set in Mos Eisley! Promising young cadet Tilde is framed for crimes against the empire after discovering her mother was the ruthless warlord of the deadly colony Tartarus, a vital player in the galactic war. Now, Tilde’s only way home may be to reclaim her mother’s dark crown. #1 New York Times bestseller JOHNNIE CHRISTMAS (Alien 3) and artistic phenom JACK T. COLE (The Unsound) kick off this ongoing series with 44 big pages of story!

TARTARUS #1 hits stands on February 12, 2020.

A couple of cool things to share today! First of all, I can finally share the cover for Oh My Gods: Book One. The cover was done by the amazing Juliana Moon with design and logo by Andrea Miller. It’s perfect, and I love it SO DANG MUCH (you can see it on the right).

Second, the cover reveal happened because of other amazing news! Oh My Gods is set to be one of the launch titles for HMH’s new graphic novel imprint, Etch. From the Publisher’s Weekly press release, “Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is the latest publisher to announce a children’s graphic novel imprint: Etch, which will gather all of HMH’s graphic novels into a single imprint, will debut in September 2020. The launch catalog will consist of seven titles, with plans to publish about 15 books per year.”

You can read the full press release in the link above, but it goes on to discuss our book baby in saying, “The next group of titles will include Timo the Adventurer by Jonathan Garnier, illustrated by Yohan Sacré, a fantasy adventure slated for October 2020; Oh My Gods! by Stephanie Cooke and Insha Fitzpatrick, illustrated by Juliana Moon, first in a series about a girl who goes to school on Mount Olympus with teenage Greek gods, scheduled for January 2021; and Power Up by Sam Nisson, illustrated by Darnell Johnson, a middle-grade adventure that mixes middle school drama with robot video game battles, due out in February 2021.”