This is a bit late but I finally rounded up all the books that I read this year in a nice little infographic (thanks to Goodreads organizing through the Reading Challenge). Take a look and at the bottom, I’ve included my Top 5s for Books & Comics in 2019 as well (although it was written before the year was wrapped up…)

Top 5 Books:

Top 5 Comics:

Like I mentioned at the top, I wrote this before I really finished out the year so I’ll add to my Top 5s list a little bit and say that in the last week, I wound up reading a ton of comics that I absolutely loved. Crowded Vol. 1, The Avant-Gardes Vol. 1, and Monstress Vol. 2-4 wowed me like crazy.

And then for novels, I only really added in The Red Queen to the mix, but that also wowed me! I didn’t expect to really fall in love with a new series but it was fantastic, and now I’m itching to get through the rest of them.

What were your favourites of 2019?