Okay, so I should preface this entire thing by immediately stating that the word “challenge” is a gross exaggeration of what it is I’m actually doing.

Last year, I wrote three books (!!!) and while that’s a really good problem to have, my health took a bit of a hit. I still managed to stay relatively fit by going to the gym semi-regularly, but I had no energy whatsoever to put into much else like cooking or being mindful of what I was putting into my body.

Outside of cutting out alcohol from my life, I wasn’t really monitoring my food intake regularly, and it helped contribute to an overall sluggishness and sense of general blah. This isn’t any kind of post to try and make you feel like you need to change anything – we all have to do what’s right for us! But for me, I got to the end of 2019, and decided that I really wanted to make an effort to cook more, and stop buying so much takeout and easy foods.

I also realized that I may have some additional food intolerances (besides my lactose-intolerance) so the only way to really figure out if that was a contributing factor to my health was to be better about what it is I was eating. I’m currently in the midst of trying to permanently cut gluten out of my diet, which is so tricky because I love bread, and pancakes, and all the good things!

This is a very long-winded post to basically just share some of the things that I’ve been cooking this year, but here we are. PHEW.

Honestly, writing everything out like this has me SHOOK. I hadn’t realized how much I’d actually cooked this year already? Considering that last year I cooked very little and only made the same 2-3 things over and over again, I’m already pretty proud of myself here.

I’ll maybe try to keep updating this blog with some new things that I try over the next little while and give little bits of information on them. I’m going to buy myself an Instant Pot soon too, and I think that’ll wind up opening some more doors to the things I can try to make… like ramen!

What are some recipes that you’re into that are gluten-free, and dairy-free? Send me your recommendations!