Today I did a really scary thing: I quit my day job. I wasn’t planning on doing it for a while still but here we are. I am terrified and anxious, but I ultimately know that this is the right move for me. Financial stability has always been something that I’ve struggled with. Over the years, I’ve worked so many jobs that barely pay the bills…it takes a toll on you. You’re always wondering where the next paycheque will come from and how you’ll pay rent. I don’t wish that feeling and struggle on anyone, and yet it’s something too many people are already familiar with.

My plan was to write and edit while I maintained a full-time day job. The day job would pay the bills while everything else would contribute to having a savings account or money to invest. It was going well for a while, until the balance shifted. My day job started taking up too much mental energy and it was burning me out. I wasn’t making time for writing and editing. I wasn’t making time for the other stuff that I’m passionate about. So something had to give…and that thing was my day job.

Like I said, I’m terrified about this. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that I’m better off putting 100% of me into something I love rather than dividing my efforts. So I did something scary, but it’s for my own personal greater good. And I am excited about it.

We just heard that the New York Times (!!!!!) did a review of Oh My Gods! And it’s such a wonderful write-up; we’re so dang proud.

“There is a lot to recommend in “Oh My Gods!” The dialogue and characterizations are spot on and snappy. Kudos also to Juliana Moon’s cartooning. Her artwork is immensely engaging — filled with expressive, appealing faces and a wide variety of body shapes and sizes.”

You can read the full review over on the New York Times website. You can pick up a copy of the physical review in next Sunday’s paper.

Story time with Comic Con Museum GraphicIt’s Read Across America Day! To celebrate, Comic Con Museum put together a video series featuring authors reading their works. I was honoured to participate and will take any opportunity to help promote reading.

I read an excerpt from Oh My Gods! and shared some pages from the book. If you have a moment, be sure to check it out.

Click the video below to watch:

You can check out all the videos here.

Nora from Queens posterI have become a relatively boring creature that has not a lot to do outside of work. That’s largely because of the ongoing pandemic…but I also haven’t made much effort to do anything else besides watching stuff. If you’re curious about what I watched in February, here’s my list:

The standouts for me here were Nora from Queens which was exceptionally funny. It filled the hole that Broad City left in my heart. I just wish there had been more of it. The Expanse’s new season was incredible.

Taskmaster continues to be hilarious! I got my parents watching it over the weekend too. It’s an all-round fantastic show that’s guaranteed to make you laugh.

I May Destroy You was a hard watch, but it was powerful and incredible. Riverdale was a lot of WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK. Mixed with a healthy dose of “Good god why am I watching this…” I had similar feelings about Search Party which started off strong and then flew off the handle. And yet I still binged it in a week and a half.

I don’t have much else to add in about everything else. I sat, I watched, I logged it. Some of it was really good, some of it was really fine. Nothing I watched was actively terrible. Yaaa know? What are you watching these days?