Nora from Queens posterI have become a relatively boring creature that has not a lot to do outside of work. That’s largely because of the ongoing pandemic…but I also haven’t made much effort to do anything else besides watching stuff. If you’re curious about what I watched in February, here’s my list:

The standouts for me here were Nora from Queens which was exceptionally funny. It filled the hole that Broad City left in my heart. I just wish there had been more of it. The Expanse’s new season was incredible.

Taskmaster continues to be hilarious! I got my parents watching it over the weekend too. It’s an all-round fantastic show that’s guaranteed to make you laugh.

I May Destroy You was a hard watch, but it was powerful and incredible. Riverdale was a lot of WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK. Mixed with a healthy dose of “Good god why am I watching this…” I had similar feelings about Search Party which started off strong and then flew off the handle. And yet I still binged it in a week and a half.

I don’t have much else to add in about everything else. I sat, I watched, I logged it. Some of it was really good, some of it was really fine. Nothing I watched was actively terrible. Yaaa know? What are you watching these days?