This week is the Forest of Reading Festival. It’s Canada’s largest recreational reading program and even has its own awards. ParaNorthern and the Chaos Bunny A-hop-calypse was one of the nominees for the Silver Birch Fiction Award, and it was such an honour to be included.

The ceremony has been broadcast this week and my award category went live this morning. We didn’t wind up winning but just being a part of it was incredible. This honour put ParaNorthern in front of so many young readers, librarians, and educators and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Congratulations to Deadman’s Castle by Iain Lawrence for winning in our category. And congrats to the two honour titles, Alice Fleck’s Recipes for Disaster by Rachelle Delaney and The Language of Ghosts by Heather Fawcett. So well deserved and I cannot state this enough: I was so honoured to be included alongside these incredible books.

Here are all of the nominated books within our category. If you haven’t checked them out already, be sure to do so.

This is a bit late…we’re already nearly halfway through May. But I’ve finally gone through my reads from April and put together a list for y’all to check out. .

And then a few things that I read but don’t have much to say about them:

What did you read in April? Leave a comment or reach out on socials and say hello!

It’s already MAY!?!?! Well, I’m relieved that it’s starting to finally get warmer out so as I get outside more, this list will maybe get a bit shorter. But for April, it’s still a pretty hefty list. If you’re curious about the films I watched (no reviews though!), visit my Letterboxd page here. Otherwise, let’s dive right in!

I didn’t include shows that I’ve been doing a rewatch of but I finished Gravity Falls S1 again as well as Schitts Creek S3. A+ highly recommend. I love them.

And that’s pretty much it for this month! What did you watch and enjoy?

This past week was Canadian Children’s Book Week and I had the honour of being one of the guest authors for the 45th Book Week tour. The wonderful team at the Canadian Children’s Book Centre paired me up with schools and libraries in Alberta, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.

We discussed Creating Graphic Novels, breaking down some of my work as well as what goes on behind the scenes when making comic books. I want to give a shout-out to the CCBC team as well as the wonderful coordinators and hosts who had me speak to their delightful students.

Thank you to Devon Public Library, Cochrane Public Library, Canmore Public Library, Heritage Hills Elementary School, Gaspesie Polyvalent, The Sacred Heart School of Montreal, Halifax Public Library, and the Hebrew Academy of Montreal.

I had such an incredible time speaking to you all and I want to thank you for your engaging questions and enthusiasm. I hope that you all learnt something and I was able to leave you with a little bit of my passion for comics and graphic novels. And should you want to make graphic novels someday yourself, I can’t wait to read them!

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