We’re a month into 2023 and phew, it went by so slowly and felt like it was 10 months long somehow. It’s been a busy one for me as I scramble to work on what’s on my plate and try to ✨ exist ✨ in the world. Like all the months before, January had ups and downs but I love what I’m doing and the fun things I get to work on.

For instance, I had Master Hamster Super Science: Dinosaurs come out from Epic! Originals. And an issue I edited for their series, Animal Rescue Friends, was also released…although that was admittedly yesterday, in February. But since I postponed writing this for a bit, I’m still going to include it here. Also technically in February (not anything technical about it, tbh), the demo of Pekoe has finally released! If you aren’t familiar, I’ve been writing a video game with Kitten Cup Studio for their upcoming cozy indie game called Pekoe. It’s a tea-making simulator that takes place in a town populated by cats. As a part of Steam’s #StreamNextFest, we have a free demo available for folks to play! I’m so stoked to hear what people think.

Other than that, I’ve been working on a few other projects that I can’t yet talk about it. But hopefully soon! So, with that being said, I’ll dive into some TV and books that I checked out last month, along with a few thoughts on some of my faves.


The two that I loved from this list are Wednesday and Inside Job, a show I got into just as Netflix announced its cancellation. As you can see, I’ve been watching quite a few things on Netflix. I’m disappointed with the service, to be honest, and this is my way of working through my backlog so I can ready myself to deactivate my account.


I’ve pared this back a bit to include only the books and graphic novels that I read and have something to say about. Mostly, this is now a section for the books and graphic novels that I recommend. So, with that being said, I read a few more things that I didn’t write up reviews for. You can find my full reading list on Goodreads or Storygraph.

Anyways, that’s it for me right now! I’ll hopefully have even more to share with you next month as a couple of exciting projects are starting to ramp up.

Stay safe out there and thank you—as always—for your love and support.

I love to write…which, as a writer, is a great thing! I love coming up with original ideas and putting them out into the world. Working on my own IP is amazing but there are still characters and existing sandboxes that I’d want the opportunity to play in. If you’re an editor looking for a writer that has a plethora of ideas, meets all deadlines, and takes feedback extremely well, please consider getting in touch.

Here’s an idea of projects I’d love to work on and dream characters:




There are definitely a few more characters and worlds I’d like to put my own stamp on but the above gives you a bit of an idea of what I’m about.

*regarding Anne of Green Gables, I also have a strong and personal history with Prince Edward Island aka the home of author Lucy Maud Montgomery.