Somehow we are nearing the end of 2023. And with that, comes a barrage of BEST OF lists from anyone and everyone…including me!

Now, picking favourites can be incredibly hard, especially when you’re as indecisive as me. So I gave myself some criteria to work with and that was that anything on this list had to have come out this year. And given how far behind I am on a bunch of things, that narrowed a lot of this list down. And I need to stress that these aren’t the Academy Awards of Stephanie. This is like, the stuff that I deeply enjoyed this year and helped me fully escape from the horrible reality of the world for a while (not to be too dramatic). So let’s dive in, starting with movies:




Graphic Novels & Comics:

And that’s my lists for 2023. Again, these were just the things that stood out to me and not necessarily the best of the best. Keep in mind that I also…did not watch, read, or get around to a lot of new things this year, so take my list with a grain of salt.

What were some of your faves? Reply in the comments and tell me what to check out over the holiday break!