A Glossary of Comic Book Terminology

If you’re looking to understand comics and graphic novels more and what the various terminology means, here’s a handy dandy guide to help you out. Let’s dive in: COMIC BOOK ROLES AND CREATIVE TEAMS This list of terms breaks down the different roles within a comic book, commonly referred to

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Writing for Comics: Helpful Tips for Getting Started

One of the most common questions among creators in any field, but especially writing, ask: how do I get started? It’s common because not a lot of folks really talk about how hard it can be to break into the industry and land published work, especially if you’re not able to

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Pitching Your Graphic Novel (Template)

I regularly get asked about how to get your stories published, and it all starts with building a pitch for an agent, editor, and publisher to look at. There’s no one, standard way to pitch in comics, but there are certain elements of your book that should be included no

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Comic Creator Collaboration Agreement (Template)

No matter what level you’re at in the industry, contracts are vital and important. Whether it’s between you and a publisher or you and an editor, or you and a co-collaborator, making sure that what you’re all doing is laid on paper is very important. Even if you’re working with a

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How to Outline a Story

Outlining your story is easily one of the most important parts of the process, and one that can sometimes be overlooked. For years, I thought I could get away with having a general idea and then jump into writing it and letting it evolve as I went along. It’s maybe

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Writing for Comics: Practicing with Short Stories

One of the biggest ways to grow as a creator, whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned veteran, is by writing short stories. Short stories are often overlooked in the industry and although anthologies have been extremely popular over the years, individual stories aren’t often mentioned or praised

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What Is Comic Book Editing?

Whether you’re here because you want to be a comic book editor or whether you’re just curious about what exactly it can entail, welcome! For this piece, I’m going to speak about my personal experience as a freelance editor, which can differ from what is expected of an editor at

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Networking and Building Genuine Connections

The world is still finding ways to adjust to the “new normal” post-pandemic, but regardless events have been happening again in full force. Amongst those things is a return to conventions, which has long been a place not only for showcasing your work but connecting with peers and networking with

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Comic Book Editor Recommendations

I’m blessed to get regular inquiries about my editing work. I’m not always able to take on new projects or clients or sometimes I don’t feel that I’m a great fit. But I’m always happy to pass along my recommendations for other talented editors who might be available. And in

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