In case you haven’t heard, I’m now offering a Writing Workshop over on my Patreon page. In my lessons, I go through some of the ins and outs of storytelling, and at the end of each lesson, I provide an exercise to explore that subject further. In addition to getting the exercise component, Patrons also get the information a week earlier than what you’re seeing here. If you’re interested in learning about writing and storytelling more, you can join in on my lesson plan (and get access to everything that came before) for $15/month.
For today’s lesson and exercise, I want you to have a little bit of a critical thinking session. We’re often inspired not just by our lives and what happens around us, we’re often fueled by something that we loved so much, it made us interested in that thing.
For me, reading novels as a kid had a deeply profound effect on me. Books like Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery and The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman made me love the art of writing. Realistically, I’d been reading long before I came across those books, but they’re two things that have always stuck with me as catalysts to me wanting to become a writer.
What stories fuel you? What stories made you want to become a writer or storyteller?