What I’m Watching – August 2019

For the last little while I’ve been bingeing TV in my spare time. I haven’t had an attention span for a lot of movies (except really cheesy and bad ones) so TV while I half-heartedly pay attention and doodle has been where I’m at.

I thought I’d share a few of the things that I’ve been watching lately.

I finished watching the final season of Jane the Virgin – the whole show has been so consistent and delightful from start to finish. I was sad to see it go but also happy that it wrapped things up its own terms.

Gina Rodriguez is so charismatic and charming, I couldn’t help but feel for her along the way and put myself in her shoes, even when the story gets VERY ridiculous.

I started watching this sci-fi drama recently when it came onto Crave TV. I didn’t know what to expect but was really intrigued by the pilot. Now I’ve been faithfully watching it week after week, enjoying the ride and concept.

I’m not gonna lie though, once I found out that it was a novel, I immediately looked up the entire plot for it and spoiled it for myself. I don’t know if the show will follow it strictly or if it’ll veer from the path that was laid out by the original creator.

I don’t know why I’m so anti-spoilers online but then when I start an intriguing movie or TV show and realized it’s an adaptation, I want to know what happens.

I did the same thing with Big Little Lies, and also Game of Thrones. Whoops!

I’ve been researching Fringe lately with my sweet patootie. He is a big X-Files fan so when he didn’t have any episodes left to watch (even including the terrible “new” seasons), we turned to Fringe. And by that, I mean that I turned him to Fringe.

We actually started watching it quite a while ago and left it. We’ve come back to it now though and are flying through it – we’re a couple episodes away from the end of the first season.

I can’t wait to watch the rest.

This is maybe one of my favourite shows of all time. It’s coming to an end (well, it HAS come to an end) and I’m savouring the last episodes. Although, because iTunes is a pain in the ass, the final episode technically aren’t even uploaded yet.

BUT WHATEVER. I’m not ready for it to be over. It’s such a fun show that has worked its way into my soul and I love it profusely.

I’m slowly making my way through this. At times the pacing kind of drags so I wind up feeling less of an urgency to watch the next episode, but I do really love the show and the whole concept of it.

It’s an honest to goodness masterpiece and Keri Russell is brilliant in it.

I’m not really ashamed to admit that I’ve been watching this trash lately. My brain sometimes can only really process frivolous nonsense and it’s something mindless that I can have on in the background.

My goshhhhh, so many of the people on the show drive me nuts but it has fun moments that I genuinely find myself enjoying, even when I’m cringing.