2019 Movies Watched and Top 5

Like with my Books & Comics list, I’ve put together the films I’ve watched in a nice little graphic, courtesy of Letterboxd. I kind of wish that they had a feature like Goodreads where I could just compile the things I watched this year but OH WELL. I actually watched Midsommar and Brightburn on January 1, 2020 but there wasn’t an easy way to take those out without messing up the graphic. Ditto on everything after Three Billboards at the end of this list as those were watched in 2018, but LA LA LA IT’S FINE.

I don’t really stay as up to date on current films anymore so I put together a Top 5 but it’s just the films that I watched this year and loved, as opposed to the current films that are out there and I loved.

Top 5 Movies:

  • Captain Marvel
  • The Favourite
  • Shazam!
  • Pokemon: Detective Pikachu
  • Knives Out