It’s been a while since I put together a Faves of the Year list so I thought this was a good time to bring it back. If I’m tracking everything I’m consuming, might as well put that data to good use! To kick things off, I’m starting with TV. I made a Top 10 with some Honourable Mentions underneath that didn’t quite make the cut. Everything on this list is a show that aired in 2022. Aside from being on the list itself, they’re just in alphabetical order.

Read on…

Fave TV:

Honourable Mentions:

And that’s it for my TV Top 10. The streaming services in brackets are for Canada, so if that’s not the place it streams for you…well, take that up with Canada.

What shows are in your Top TV lists? Let me know in the comments or say hello over on social media!

This is my first or maybe second time writing a big update like this as a part of blogletter. You know, in lieu of me doing the thing everyone else is doing and making a newsletter. It’s one or the other and I’d rather have a home base here…where I already have a home base. As everyone flees Twitter and tries to find a new home for their thoughts and ramblings.

I’m in that mix too and for the last month, I’ve been filled with dread as I try to wait things out. The downfall of Twitter seems imminent with it only being a matter of time until it shutters its doors. And after spending over a decade finding my friends, peers, and audiences there, I’m truly sad that it’s potentially ending like this. I don’t want to lament it more but it’s a monumental blow to a lot of creators and creatives out there, so I’ll continue to post here, if anyone wants to follow along.

Like everyone else, sometimes I have a lot of updates…and sometimes I don’t. I have a few fun things to share though, so I’ll dive in and elaborate on what’s what. Let’s go!

And if you missed it, I’ve put together my roundups for the previous month(s). Check out what I watched here and what I read here. You can also check out my roundups of Fave Things of 2022 as they’re released throughout the month. Stay tuned!

With the holidays upon us, as I wind down this update, I want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. I hope it’s everything you want it to be and more! As we wrap up this year and move into the next, I’m sending you all the best vibes for happiness, joy, and success.

Last but not least, as the beginning of this blogletter indicated, I’ve migrated to a few places while I try to figure out which one sticks. In every case (Hive, Mastodon, Cohost, Pillowfort, and Tumblr), my username is simply “hellocookie” which is my go-to in most places. Find me there and let’s be pals!

And that’s a wrap! Next time you hear from me on here, it’ll (probably) be 2023…you know, pending any major updates to share. Take care of yourselves and be kind to others.

Another month has flown by and we’re nearly at the end of the year. Will I manage to put together some Best Of lists? WHO KNOWS! But for now, we can talk about the things I read (comics and prose) and discuss those. Let’s dive right in:

And that’s it! I’ve spent most of the latter half of this month trying to work through a beast of a novel (not really…I’m just distracted and not making as much time for reading). So hopefully I’ll be able to hunker down this month and finish up a few things on the top of my TBR pile.

What have you been reading and enjoying?

I’ve once again slipped on my watch list and so I’ve decided to combine two months into one post. Prepare yourselves for a pile of thoughts!

Annnnnd I watched a ton of reality TV. There’s truly not much to say about it all, it’s something that I absolutely love to watch when my brain is mush (which is often). So here’s a list of some of the reality shows I checked out in the last two months…with Nailed It being my fave of the bunch.

I watched a lot more reality TV (from the 90DF universe) but decided not to include it here cause the summary for it all is just “I love mess.”

What have you been watching and enjoying?