It’s been a hot (literally) minute since I did an update. There’s both been a lot and also nothing going on. An enigma! But let’s dive in:

  • For anyone excited about the upcoming release of Racc Pack, I finished writing the first draft of BOOK TWO. Whitney Gardner and I outlined it heavily together and then I went in and scripted the whole thing. It’s in the hands of our editor now.
  • Speaking of Racc Pack, it’s been pushed back to Spring 2024 (boo) but with the intent of releasing Book Two even sooner, right on its heels (yay)!
  • I’m working on a secret non-fiction project that is so ridiculously on-brand for me…I can’t wait to share that!
  • My writing on Pekoe continues as well. I’m working on cutscenes for each of the cats right now and I can’t wait to be able to show you more.

There’s not much else to report back on right now though! I’m trying to enjoy my summer, be outdoors, spend quality time with my partner and my friends, and live my life. Gotta have a solid work/life balance, even when you love what you do.

So I’ll be sure to update y’all when there’s exciting stuff afoot, but in the meantime, be good to each other out there.