Blogletter: Farewell to the Summer

I’m back, baby! I decided to take the summer off from updates here and being super online. I was still working and at my desk but I took a little bit of the pressure away of posting regularly and to just be free to enjoy my time this summer. The

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Blogletter: Connection in Flux

Happy April, everyone! I can’t believe that we’re already into the second quarter of the year, and whew…where does the time go? I took yesterday off because I am too gullible to be on the internet for April Fools’ Day. That, and I am currently addicted to Disney Dreamlight Valley. But

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Blogletter: March Madness

It’s been a minute since I did an update! Or at least that’s how it feels. This year feels like it’s going by incredibly quickly and somehow slowly? I’m not sure how that’s possible but it’s been pretty go-go-go for me so far. In case you missed it, we released The Racc

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A Q&A with Truro Middle School

I recently had the great pleasure of working with the Colchester-East Hants Public Library in Nova Scotia to do a presentation on creating graphic novels. We had such a wonderful turnout of classes filled with students keen to learn about the process! So keen that even with a good amount of

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The Racc Pack Acknowledgments

Writing can be a very solitary thing to do. While we have all these wonderful characters in our heads to keep us company, we bring them to life on our own. However, when it comes to making a graphic novel and publishing that graphic novel, there are countless people involved.

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Happy New Year…It’s 2024, Baby!

Happy New Year, everyone! We made it around the sun again and while I know we’ve all been burned lately with being excited for the year ahead…I’m cautiously optimistic. Professionally, it’s a pretty big year for me with at least three books coming out. In a mere two weeks, The Racc

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Best Of 2023

Somehow we are nearing the end of 2023. And with that, comes a barrage of BEST OF lists from anyone and everyone…including me! Now, picking favourites can be incredibly hard, especially when you’re as indecisive as me. So I gave myself some criteria to work with and that was that

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Upcoming Events: Creator Con & MCX 2023

I have not one but TWO events coming up this month! They’re both happening the same weekend too, so let’s dive in: CREATOR CON Come say hello to Stephanie and other guests such as Gail Simone, Erica Schultz, Mike Rooth, and more! Purchase books directly from the creators or get your

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PILLOW TALK Cover Reveal

I am beyond excited to finally share some new PILLOW TALK news with you: we officially have a cover! Today, WWAC (Women Write About Comics) did an exclusive reveal of the cover to our book, along with a little bit of info about what you can expect. This has been such a

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31 Days of Horror 2023

Lots of folks join in on watching spooky movies and TV shows for October, and I am definitely one of them. I absolutely LOVE Spooky Season and have used this month as a way to further my education in the world of horror film. I figured I’d share what I’m watching

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Blogletter: It’s SPOOKY SEASON!!!

September flew by and I can’t believe it’s come and gone. It was a busy, busy, busy month for me with both my birthday as well as my partner’s…plus a bajillion other people we know and love. So we had a lot going on this month for social things. We

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Blogletter: Goodbye, Summer!

It feels a tad ironic writing a headline bidding goodbye to the summer on one of the hottest and most humid days of the year, but here we are! It’s been a busy summer, which is why you haven’t heard from me much. I was planning a revamp of these

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FanExpo is a Wrap

WHEW! I can’t believe it’s already been a week since FanExpo started. It feels like I was at the show yesterday and talking to so many wonderful people! It was a whirlwind (and long) few days but I had a blast being a part of the show this year. I’ve

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FanExpo is THIS WEEK!

I can’t believe it’s already the end of the summer! But with the end of summer, comes one of the biggest conventions in Canada: FanExpo! And this year, I’m a Special Guest at the show. I’ll be there with copies of Oh My Gods! (both 1 & 2), ParaNorthern, My Little Pony: Camp

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Blogletter: How the Heck is it July Already?

It’s been a couple of months since I last did a big blog. Initially I put it off because I didn’t have a lot to share. Then I put it off because I knew I would have a lot to share…soon. There’s still a couple of things on the horizon to

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Pekoe is Available Now!!!

I WROTE A VIDEO GAME! And as of today, it is out in the world. I couldn’t be more proud of the game, and the entire team that came together to make it happen. If you haven’t heard of Pekoe yet, it’s a cozy tea-making simulator that takes place in a

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The Racc Pack Cover & Pre-Order Info

After holding onto this for quite a while, I’m very happy to be able to share THE RACC PACK cover with you all. We have even more info to share with you too, and I can’t wait to dig into that in a mere moment. PopVerse did an exclusive reveal of the

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ANNOUNCEMENT: My Little Pony: Camp Bighoof Mini-Series

The pony’s out of the bag: I’ve been working on a new My Little Pony mini-series for IDW Publishing and Hasbro. Coming this summer is Camp Bighoof! It features the Mane 5 (from Generation 5) as well as some original Equestria cryptids that you—and the ponies—will get to meet. The official

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Blogletter: April Adventures Await…

Another month has passed us by, and while I wish I had more to update y’all with, announcements and exciting news tidbits have not arrived yet…but I do have several on the horizon and I can’t wait to be able to talk about what I’ve been working on. I know, I

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Blogletter: March Madness

I can’t believe yet another month has passed us by. While January was a slow crawl, February zoomed by. Somehow, we’re already a week into March now. Continuing the trend of an emotional rollercoaster, the last few weeks have been filled with ups and downs. For instance, on one hand,

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Blogletter: February Updates and Recs

We’re a month into 2023 and phew, it went by so slowly and felt like it was 10 months long somehow. It’s been a busy one for me as I scramble to work on what’s on my plate and try to ✨ exist ✨ in the world. Like all the

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My Dream IP Wishlist

I love to write…which, as a writer, is a great thing! I love coming up with original ideas and putting them out into the world. Working on my own IP is amazing but there are still characters and existing sandboxes that I’d want the opportunity to play in. If you’re

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Stephanie holds two dinosaurs, mimicking them kissing

Blogletter: Welcome to 2023

Somehow, 2022 is already gone. After two years of being in lockdown, this was the first where I came out of my home incrementally. While I continue to mask up, it’s been such a joy to be able to do things again. To see my friends and spend time with the

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Fave TV of 2022

It’s been a while since I put together a Faves of the Year list so I thought this was a good time to bring it back. If I’m tracking everything I’m consuming, might as well put that data to good use! To kick things off, I’m starting with TV. I

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Welcome to the Blogletter: What’s New?

This is my first or maybe second time writing a big update like this as a part of blogletter. You know, in lieu of me doing the thing everyone else is doing and making a newsletter. It’s one or the other and I’d rather have a home base here…where I

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Reading Roundup: November 2022

Another month has flown by and we’re nearly at the end of the year. Will I manage to put together some Best Of lists? WHO KNOWS! But for now, we can talk about the things I read (comics and prose) and discuss those. Let’s dive right in: A Lesson in

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Reading Roundup: October 2022

It’s time for another roundup of what I read last month. My focus was primarily on spooky books, with the exception of the first book on this list (which I started in September). Let’s dive in and take a gander: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin – Perfect

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A Few Things I’m Enjoying

As you may have guessed from my other posts, I really love recs. I also love sharing the things that I’m enjoying…I sometimes forget to talk about them regularly since I no longer have an entertainment site to write for. But I’ve been thinking more about changing that a bit

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What I’m Watching: September 2022 Edition

Another month has passed us by and I have some TV show updates for you, if you’re curious. I didn’t watch a lot (mostly because I’ve also been obsessed with a ton of junk food reality TV too) but here’s the list: Glow Up S4 – I’m obsessed with makeup

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Spooktober Updates!

As I mentioned last month, I really don’t have a whole lot of projects that I can talk about. Everything is in limbo or under NDA for the most part. BUT I do want to let you know about whatever I can talk about and discuss so let’s dive in and

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Gotham Central Appearance – Halloween Indie Fest

If you’re in Mississauga, please be sure to come say hi later this month for Gotham Central’s Halloween Indie Fest event. I’ll be one of the guest creators with a booth and I’d love to see you! I’ll be selling copies of ParaNorthern and the Chaos Bunny A-hop-calypse, as well as Oh

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Reading Roundup: September 2022

It’s already October and I’ve got a new roundup of books with mini reviews for y’all. Check out my list and be sure to let me know what you’ve been enjoying in the comments. The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston – A fun, delightful twist on the romcom with witty

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MCX 2022: Appearance and Panels

Coming up on October 16 is Mississauga Comic Expo. I’ll be set up with my books and moderating the author talks and sketch battles for the event. I’ll be at Table 211 (see below for layout) and this is my lineup for panels: 11:00-11:30am – Sketch Challenge with Scott Chantler,

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Toronto International Festival of Authors Appearances

Coming up this month is the Toronto International Festival of Authors. Additionally, they have TIFA Kids too! I’m happy to announce that while I’m not a formal guest of the show this year, I’ll be around moderating a couple of events for them. If you’d like to say hi, this

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What I’m Watching: August 2022 Edition

The summer has come and gone, and even though I was outside a lot, I still managed to watch tons of stuff last month. This is the roundup of (mostly) everything, minus some reality TV that I’ve been putting on in the background. As per usual, if you’re interested in the

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Reading Roundup: August 2022

For August, I made it through a few more books in my (massive) TBR pile. A lot of romance and romcoms but then also paired with some creepier reads as I prepared for Spooky Season. Of the six books I read last month, I think three or four of them are

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End-of-Summer Updates and Things

I guess I should attempt to post some more stuff besides just my roundups, eh? Well, we’re nearing the end of summer (thank god) and it’s been a busy one. Juggling work (when you’re constantly hustling to find paying gigs) is hard to sometimes balance the rest of your life

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Reading Roundup: June-July 2022

It’s been a minute since I posted about the books I’ve been reading. I’ve had some deadlines to hit and I’ve been enjoying my summer…and subsequently neglecting my blog and updates. So without further ado, let’s just get into everything I’ve been reading: The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake –

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What I’m Watching: May-July 2022 Edition

I’ve neglected my lists for a little bit, but mostly because I’ve been watching movies and rewatching TV shows or misc. episodes of reality TV. Like, a lot of random eps of 90 Day Fiancée. But since there’s a few months worth of backlog, I figured I’d share some of what I’ve

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August Updates

It’s been a hot (literally) minute since I did an update. There’s both been a lot and also nothing going on. An enigma! But let’s dive in: For anyone excited about the upcoming release of Racc Pack, I finished writing the first draft of BOOK TWO. Whitney Gardner and I outlined

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ParaNorthern: One Year Later

✨ ONE YEAR AGO TODAY ✨ ParaNorthern came out and its adorable chaos was unleashed into the world. This book will always mean SO much to me. It was the first project I saw through on my own, even when it was a passion project just for me. It made

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Reading Roundup: May 2022

Once again, my reading roundup is a little bit late but it’s been a hectic few weeks. I didn’t read a ton last month (at least compared to previous months) but I had a decent haul of wonderful books. So here’s what I read along with some thoughts on each

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TCAF 2022 – June 18-19, 2022

Exciting news! I’ll be tabling at TCAF this year with books and other fun things. If you want to come say hello, I’ll be there for the weekend from June 18-19, 2022 at Table 221. I’ll also be on the Final Fantasy panel on Saturday with Jo Rioux and Nadia Shammas.

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Forest of Reading: Silver Birch Fiction Award

This week is the Forest of Reading Festival. It’s Canada’s largest recreational reading program and even has its own awards. ParaNorthern and the Chaos Bunny A-hop-calypse was one of the nominees for the Silver Birch Fiction Award, and it was such an honour to be included. The ceremony has been

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Reading Roundup: April 2022

This is a bit late…we’re already nearly halfway through May. But I’ve finally gone through my reads from April and put together a list for y’all to check out. . Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #1 by  Kelly Sue DeConnick and Phil Jimenez – A jaw-droppingly stunning book filled with

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What I’m Watching: April 2022 Edition

It’s already MAY!?!?! Well, I’m relieved that it’s starting to finally get warmer out so as I get outside more, this list will maybe get a bit shorter. But for April, it’s still a pretty hefty list. If you’re curious about the films I watched (no reviews though!), visit my

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Canadian Children’s Book Week 2022

This past week was Canadian Children’s Book Week and I had the honour of being one of the guest authors for the 45th Book Week tour. The wonderful team at the Canadian Children’s Book Centre paired me up with schools and libraries in Alberta, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. We discussed

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What I’m Watching: March 2022 Edition

The year is really just flying by and I’ve put together a list of the TV shows watched through the month of March. If you’re curious about the films I watched (no reviews though!), visit my Letterboxd page here. Otherwise, let’s dive right in! Love is Blind S2 – What

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Oh My Gods II: The Forgotten Maze is HERE!

It’s been a little over a year since the first Oh My Gods! came out by Insha Fitzpatrick, myself, and Juliana Moon. And the second book in our graphic novel series is here and available wherever you buy your books. We are so excited for you to read it and enjoy

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Reading Roundup: March 2022

Another month has passed by and I’ve collected my reading list from March. It was a pretty chaotic month (and is continuing into April) so the overall list is here and some have mini-reviews and some do not. Forgive me! If you want to chat about any of them though,

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That Time I Met Dave Grohl

Dave Grohl has been in my feed a lot lately. He has a new movie called Studio 666 which looks like a lot of fun. And the Foo Fighters released a new album last year, Medicine at Midnight. Dave Grohl has understandably doing some publicity to get the word out, especially about

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Reading Roundup: February 2022

Another month, another batch of books read. I read a lot of graphic novels, using my hoopla account to the max (if you don’t have hoopla, I highly recommend it—it’s connected to the library so everything is free and legal!) But also one of my most anticipated books came out

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What I’m Watching: February 2022 Edition

It’s time for another edition of Oh God, Do I Really Watch This Much TV? February Edition! As usual, here’s a roundup of TV I checked out, along with a few thoughts and comments. If you’re curious about the films I watched (sans comments/reviews), visit my Letterboxd page here. Let’s dive

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What I’m Watching: January 2022 Edition

It’s my first TV Round-Up for 2022, compiling all the TV I watched in one place. I kicked off the New Year with lots of shows, and like last time, I’ve included mini-reviews! As per usual, if you want to see the movies I watched, you can feel free to

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Reading Roundup: January 2022

One month of reading is COMPLETE! My 2022 reading goal is off to a good start as I made a decent dent in my TBR pile. It’s a good mix of graphic novels and prose, and as usual, I included mini-reviews of the books. If you’re so inclined, clicking on

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What I’m Watching: December 2021 Edition

It’s that time again where, for some reason, I share everything that I’ve been watching! It’s a brand-new year so it feels weird to have a post title with “2021” in it but you understand. I didn’t do any Best Of lists for this past year either. I planned on

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Reading Roundup: December 2021

December was a hectic month. On one hand, it was the holidays and I took some time off to recharge and decompress. On the other hand, I had a family emergency and a death in the family that hit me pretty hard. Plus trying to get work done prior to the

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Oh My Gods! Book Cover

A Wrap-Up of 2021

It’s been a whirlwind year for me, personally and professionally. After waiting years for the first of our graphic novels to be released in the world, it finally happened! I wanted to do a little summary of “everything,” even if it’s just for myself. This year has been a milestone one

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Reading Roundup: November 2021

Continuing on with my roundups, I put together a list of everything that I read this month. Looking at it, I’m kind of surprised—it really didn’t feel like I read seven books but I’m impressed with myself, especially given that it was an incredibly busy month for me. I’ve included

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Going Critical Presents: Sleepless Nights

Oh hey! I have some more exciting news to share with you all. I’ve joined the Going Critical crew for a new TTRPG campaign called Sleepless Nights. The show launched on Tuesday, November 30 over on Twitch and we’ll be doing live streams every Tuesday at 8pm EST until we wrap up.

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What I’m Watching: November 2021 Edition

It’s somehow December and I guess it’s time to do a recap of what I watched. I know I don’t need to do this but chronicling everything to share somehow makes me feel like I achieved something rather than wasted countless hours in front of my TV. No shame or regrets

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I’ve got another announcement to share with you. This is a project we’ve been keeping secret for the majority of this year…which is known as author torture. I have a new middle-grade graphic novel series that’s being launched called The Racc Pack. It’s created by myself and my amazing partner-in-crime, Whitney

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Archie: Love & Heartbreak Special

Surprise! I’ve been working on a short story for Archie Comics and it’s just been announced. My Archie debut will be in the Love & Heartbreak special which is an anthology comprised of a few different stories written by myself, Sina Grace, and Thomas Pitilli. I get to write Veronica Lodge (!!!!)

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Canadian Children’s Book Week 2022 Line-Up

Today, the line-up for Canadian Children’s Book Week 2022 was announced. I’m happy to share that among the many talented authors and illustrators on the list, I’ve been chosen as a participant. I’ll be touring (virtually) for a week in 2022. From the press release: “Over fifty talented Canadian authors,

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Reading Roundup: October 2021

Like my watch list this month, I didn’t wind up reading a ton in October. I started a few things but wound up being pretty busy overall and spent much of my free time watching spooky movies. So without any further delay, let’s get into my October Reading Roundup: A

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What I’m Watching: October 2021 Edition

Annnnd that’s a wrap on Spooktober! I’m not gonna lie, I’m sad that it’s come and gone. Now it’s time to process the fact that the holidays are almost here…and it’s nearly the end of the year. I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT YET. So until then, let’s talk about

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Top Movie Picks for Halloweekend 2021!

For October, I’ve been trying to watch as many horror movies as possible to celebrate. I’m still watching them up until the end of the month, but since Halloween is on a weekend, I thought I’d share some of my faves so far. You know, just in case you need

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ParaNorthern is now AWARD-NOMINATED!

That’s right, you heard me! ParaNorthern is now an award-nominated graphic novel. Today, Forest of Reading and Ontario Library Association announced their 2022 nominees and we’re up for the Silver Birch Fiction Award. There are some other wonderful titles up for it too but I’m just so thrilled and honoured to

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Book Recs for Aspiring Comic Creators

Interested in making comics? For my latest list, I wanted to put together some recommendations on a few different aspects of the comics industry. These books can help you on your path, teach you about the industry, and hopefully keep you healthy physically and mentally as you navigate your way

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The Whatnauts Podcast: A Guest Appearance!

I had the absolute pleasure of joining the hosts of The Whatnauts: The Captain’s Log podcast to discuss a whole ton of things. Included in that is my former life as a co-host of Talking Comics, my current co-host duties for Caper Cast, and then of course writing and I bring

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Reading Roundup: September 2021

Welcome to the second edition of my Reading Roundup here on my blog! If you read my TV roundup, you’ll know that I watched a lot last month and I also read a ton too. So let’s jump into my list and talk about it. Needle & Thread by David Pinckney

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What I’m Watching: September 2021 Edition

I am once again back to shout about all the things I watched in September! It was surprisingly a lot?  Even for me???? Like, I looked at this list and was like, ‘Did I accidentally mash-up months?’ but nope, I just spent a lot of time on my couch for the

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The Caper Cast Continues with Fast Five

I haven’t talked about it here for a while but did you know I have a podcast with the amazing Whitney Gardner? It’s called Caper Cast and we talk about cinematic heists and capers! It releases on the first and third Tuesday of every month. We’ve been having a blast doing and

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Reading Roundup: August 2021

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you may have seen my What I’m Watching feature that I do on a monthly basis. Last night I was reading and thought “Why don’t I do that for what I’m reading too?” And thus I decided to pull together a list of

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What I’m Watching: August 2021 Edition

Yet another month has passed and here I am, back to tell you about what TV I watched. Comparatively to the last several months, it was pretty light for TV watching. I think it’s because I started a bunch of shows that have yet to wrap up though. So those will

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Sports Comics That Knock It Out of the Park

Much like sports themselves, comics about sports can be pretty hit or miss for some people. But there are a number of amazing ones out there that I think just about anyone can enjoy. So here’s my list for you to check out: Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu (First Second) Check, Please!

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Graphic Novels to Take (You) to Summer Camp

It’s nearly the end of summer but it’s okay! There’s still time for summer camp or to at least read some graphic novels about it. Here’s a selection of middle-grade reads that feature those summer camp vibes: Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol (First Second) Fitting in can be hard no

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What I’m Watching: July 2021 Edition

I can’t believe that yet another month has passed and it’s now August. Honestly, this year is once again flying by at a snail’s pace. That being said, I’m continuing to round up what I watch. Why? I have no clue! But I guess it’s just a habit now. So

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Exterior of Book City on the Danforth

PARANORTHERN Launch and Signing with Book City

Over the weekend, I set up at Book City on the Danforth in Toronto for an outdoor book signing. As you may know, ParaNorthern was released last week so we wanted to celebrate and spread the word! Book City welcomed me with open arms and helped make the event absolutely wonderful.

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PARANORTHERN Acknowledgements

Once again, we didn’t have an acknowledgments section for ParaNorthern (like Oh My Gods!) so I wanted to put a little something together to thank a TON of people. First of all, Mari Costa knocked the art for this book out of the park. It is true magic getting to see what’s

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ParaNorthern Press and Events

It’s been a really busy June and July (so far!) and with ParaNorthern coming out this week, I’ve been talking to a lot of amazing people. Instead of spamming you with posts whenever something new goes up, I’ll be updating this page with events and press pieces you can check out. VIRTUAL

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What I’m Watching: June 2021 Edition

Oh hey! We’ve made it through another month in 2021 and I have a new What I’m Watching list for you. I know, this is really riveting stuff…but hey! Gotta provide the content the people crave. So here we go: Bob’s Burgers S8 Sailor Moon R & S Geordie Shore

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PubTalk Live: Guest Hosting a Talk Show!

Yesterday, I had the absolute pleasure of joining Sarah Nicolas for her live talk show, PubTalk Live. I was the guest host for the episode and interviewed my pal and podcast co-host, Whitney Gardner. You can check the episode out here:

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A Chat with Empires Comics

I had the great pleasure of chatting with Ben at Empires Comics last night. We discussed my upcoming release ParaNorthern as well as LIFE, my project currently on Kickstarter. Plus we chatted a bit about the writing and editing process, and I answered a few fantastic audience questions. Check out

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Creating Dynamic Dialogue

In case you haven’t heard, I’m now offering a Writing Workshop over on my Patreon page. In my lessons, I go through some of the ins and outs of storytelling, and at the end of each lesson, I provide an exercise to explore that subject further. In addition to getting

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What I’m Watching: May 2021 Edition

Since this is apparently what I do now, I’m here to tell you about all the things I watched in May! It’s mostly the TV I’ve watched (my In Progress list is vast) but if you’re curious about the movies, click here. Sense8 S1 RuPaul’s Drag Race S6 Taskmaster S8-10

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