COMING SOON: The Diecast Podcast Presents Tales from Trollskull

Over the last few months, I’ve been putting something really fun together with Jon Robertson of The Diecast Podcast. Jon is the person who first got me involved playing Dungeons & Dragons after being curious about it for ages. I’ve been playing longer campaigns with him as DM and two other friends for the last couple of years. In that series of campaigns, we’ve dubbed our trio the Trollskull Trio because, well, we live in Trollskull Manor. And it’s just really catchy. And while the next season of that is sure to be fun too, I’ve been involved in something else for the podcast.

We’re launching Tales from Trollskull, which is a series of one-shot campaigns and short stories with an all-new cast of characters. I got three groups together to each do mini-sessions for the podcast as adventurers working out of Trollskull Manor.

Una the Bardbarian

The first group (aka The Bee Team) just wrapped up their sessions. The group features Leslie Doyle, Saffron Aurora, Whitney Gardner, Mackenzie Boyd-Garrison, myself, and Jon as our DM. You can look forward to the episodes being released very soon. Jon is editing what we’ve got so far and is aiming to release them at the beginning of March.

While I don’t want to give away too much about what to expect yet, what I will share with you is the character I’m playing! There will be three short stories, and my character is a half-orc bardbarian named Una. She’s a very successful adventurer but desperately wishes to be a bard. Except she is very bad at it. She leaves home and goes far, far away to pursue it and not ruin her reputation if it fails. That brings her to Trollskull where she arrives to make some gold to support her new life.