Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019…Almost

2018 has been a rollercoaster of emotions for pretty much everyone. Politics especially have taken over a big chunk of our lives as we devote a ton of mental space to trying to fight the people who are taking away the rights of so many people.

I’ve had a crazy year outside of the general world drama. It’s been mostly good with lots going on. I thought I’d do a little round-up of some of my accomplishments from this year:

  • Toronto Comics Anthology: Osgoode as Gold was published – I acted as the Lead Editor on the book and the book made its debut at TCAF. I’m so proud of what we accomplished and the talent we were able to showcase in the anthology.
  • Launched Creator Resource with Beth Barnett, Eric Kim, and Rosie Knight. The site is all about helping creators navigate the comic book industry and better understand the ins and outs without having to be “in the know” for a number of years.
  • Worked my first TCAF – I took on the role of Volunteer Coordinator at TCAF and worked my very first show as part of the staff. It went so well and it was really rewarding to be on the other side of a convention that I’ve loved and admired for years.
  • I passed the torch of Rogues Portal onto Anelise Farris and Insha Fitzpatrick. I’m still in the sidelines and helping out when needed, but I have largely passed off the site to these amazing women.
  • In May, We Are The Danger was published at Black Mask Studios – I was (and still am) the editor on the series with Fabian Lelay, Claudia Aguirre, and Taylor Esposito. The 5-issue series is wrapping up very soon and I have loved working on this book so much.
  • Launched Creator Advisor which acts as a sister site to Creator Resource but the aim with CA is to help creators find collaborators to work with on paid projects.
  • I was accepted into the Life Finds A Way anthology with Cloudscape Comics – I wrote a short story and was paired up with an amazing artist. I’m not 100% sure when the book will be released but I’m really excited.
  • I got an agent! This is a really big one that I am still excited about. I’ve been working with Maria Vicente of PS Literary Agency since September now and she’s amazing. I can’t wait to tell you all about the good stuff we’re doing together.

There’s a few other big things that happened this year that I can’t talk about yet, but I’m so proud of everything that I’ve managed to accomplish in 2018. I can’t wait to see what 2019 holds for me personally and professionally.

To everyone reading this: thank you for all of your support. It means the world to me and I hope that I can continue to give back to the community in as many ways as possible as time goes on.
