PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT: LIFE is Coming to Kickstarter

Holy bananas…I have a lot going on right now? And there’s only more to come. That being said, I’m launching another new project! Well, kind of. It’s an existing project but we’re doing something more with it. And that project is LIFE, the backup stories that I did in Tartarus with Megan Huang on the art.
Megan and I have been talking about releasing all the stories together for a long time now and we’ve partnered up with TO Comix to bring them to LIFE (pun totally intended…SORRY NOT SORRY).
We’ll be launching a Kickstarter on June 9 and I CAN’T WAIT.
The art below is a promo for the last story we did, but you can get an idea of the art and some of the amazing animal designs that Megan came up with. The collected edition will include some never-before-seen concept art, backstory on the creatures, info on our faraway alien planet, and more. Look for more details on that all very soon.