What I’m Watching: August 2022 Edition

The summer has come and gone, and even though I was outside a lot, I still managed to watch tons of stuff last month. This is the roundup of (mostly) everything, minus some reality TV that I’ve been putting on in the background. As per usual, if you’re interested in the films I’ve been watching, you can visit my Letterboxd profile. Otherwise, here we go:

  • Holey Moley S4 – I forgot to include this one on July’s roundup but I love this very goofy, mindless game show of EXTREME MINI GOLF. It’s basically MXC or Wipeout but then mixed with mini-golf? And also inexplicably, Steph Curry is involved. And The Muppets. It’s great.
  • Stranger Things S4 – Controversial opinion here but…Stranger Things is just fine. Its episode format with some runtimes nearing 3 HOURS is absolutely bananas and not friendly as a bingeable show anymore. It’s a time commitment now. I love the characters but it’s very formulaic and again…it’s fine.
  • The Most Hated Man on the Internet – I was fascinated by this show. I go through phases where I’m very into true crime and this offered a different take on it with a look at a truly terrible man on the internet…as opposed to watching something focused on assault and murder. I thought this was a compelling and well-put-together three-part series. My one complaint about it is that it had an opportunity to shed light on how few laws exist to protect people online and how we could push that to change.
  • Amphibia S3 – What an incredible series! This was the end of it and it went out on such a high note after endearing me to the entire cast. I laughed. I cried. I had a lot of feelings throughout and if you haven’t checked Amphibia out yet, you definitely should.
  • Sandman S1 – I don’t know what I could say about Sandman that hasn’t already been said online. As someone who knows of the comics and has read only the first volume, I went into the show relatively blind. So without the knowledge of the source material, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope that they get to tell more of the story.
  • Great British Bake-Off S12 – It’s that time again: comfort TV season. And my GOD do I love GBBR. Cozy, emotional, and wonderful…as always.
  • Obi-Wan S1 – Okay…another controversial opinion here: Obi-Wan was fine. I really want Star Wars stories that don’t revolve around the legacy characters. I know we all love the characters that have been covered by these shows and such so far, but I’m really interested in watching shows set in the SWU without being beholden to the masses of continuity. There’s such an opportunity to play in new spaces within the sandbox and I’m so curious to see where they could take that.
  • Only Murders in the Building S2 – Not as strong of a season as the first but the trio of leads are so fun and charismatic that I was happy to still be along for the ride. Could’ve done with 100% less Amy Schumer though.
  • Never Have I Ever S3 – A brilliant and funny show that highlights the cringe of being a boy-crazy teenage girl while tackling heavy topics such as mental illness and grief. Truly excellent.
  • Owl House S2 – Last but not least, I made my way through the second season of Owl House and loved every moment. I think this season was stronger than the first as it really found its footing, and it’s just a shame that we won’t be getting much more of it.

What have you been watching and enjoying?