Who do you write for?

In case you haven’t heard, I’m now offering a Writing Workshop over on my Patreon page. In my lessons, I go through some of the ins and outs of storytelling, and at the end of each lesson, I provide an exercise to explore that subject further. In addition to getting the exercise component, Patrons also get the information a week earlier than what you’re seeing here. If you’re interested in learning about writing and storytelling more, you can join in on my lesson plan (and get access to everything that came before) for $15/month.

If you’re looking to grow as a creator and hone your craft, one important thing you need to ask yourself is Who do you write for? Think about it and answer it honestly. Are you writing because you want to find success? Are you writing because you think you have a good story for young adults? Are you writing because you think it sounds glamourous or fun?

It’s important to figure out what motivates you as a writer, but the person you should be trying to please before anyone else (above agents, editors, publishers, readers, etc.) is you.

Behind every great story is a creator that loved what they were doing first and foremost. They believed in the story not for anyone else but for themselves. They pursued it because it was something that they couldn’t get out of their heads until it was down on paper. Of course, I’m sure this isn’t true for all creators…I’m sure some just told a story for the sake of it. But I personally believe that the best stories–and the ones that people connect with the most–are the ones that we would’ve wanted to read ourselves.

Your mom or dad or partner might say that they’re your #1 fan, and it’s amazing to have that kind of support in your life, but they shouldn’t be at the top of that list. The person (imposter syndrome and all other anxiety aside) that should be the biggest fan of the story you’re trying to tell is you.

Writing is far from a glamourous or exciting job. It’s wonderful but it’s hard work, and getting a draft from its first incarnation to the final thing requires a lot of finessing, and you have to be able to listen to constructive feedback that will take it to the next level. A passion for writing and for the story itself is a must to make it over that finish line. Writing can take a huge emotional toll on you as you process and implement changes that are ultimately for the better. But you need that connection to a story and to the characters to stick with it…because otherwise, why bother?


You can also see me talk about this more (along with Kaylee) over on Instagram.