What are your favourite stories?

In case you haven’t heard, I’m now offering a Writing Workshop over on my Patreon page. In my lessons, I go through some of the ins and outs of storytelling, and at the end of each lesson, I provide an exercise to explore that subject further. In addition to getting

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SURPRISE! I have an announcement to make: I’m launching a new podcast. It’s a film podcast with Whitney Gardner and myself as we explore the genre of HEIST FILMS!!!! We’re very excited. We recorded the first episode this week and are going to be recording the second one (and some

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Who do you write for?

In case you haven’t heard, I’m now offering a Writing Workshop over on my Patreon page. In my lessons, I go through some of the ins and outs of storytelling, and at the end of each lesson, I provide an exercise to explore that subject further. In addition to getting

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What I’m Watching: April 2021 Edition

Oh, hello there! It’s May and therefore I have a new list of TV shows that I’ve watched throughout April. Sometimes I stop to think about how much time I’m putting into watching all of this. And then I quickly block it out of my mind and go back to

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My first day of freelance!

This post is 100% a brag post about my first day as a freelancer, which went so dang well. I got up this morning and initially felt a little crummy (physically not like, about not having a day job). It was gloomy and rainy, immediately ruining my plan to start off

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Patreon, PayPal, and Ko-fi (…oh my!)

I dropped the news on Friday that I’ve put in my notice at my day job. As of EOD this Friday, I will be a full-time writer and editor. I’m scared but mostly excited about my future and really looking forward to this next chapter. Moving forward, I’m going to

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What I’m Watching: March 2021 Edition

Oh hello there! It’s April now and that means rounding up all the TV I watched in March. Why? Because I don’t know what else to do with it. IT HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING! And that something is sharing with y’all. I’d share my Letterboxd profile but I honestly haven’t

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I’m now a full-time writer and editor

Today I did a really scary thing: I quit my day job. I wasn’t planning on doing it for a while still but here we are. I am terrified and anxious, but I ultimately know that this is the right move for me. Financial stability has always been something that I’ve

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We’re in the New York Times!

We just heard that the New York Times (!!!!!) did a review of Oh My Gods! And it’s such a wonderful write-up; we’re so dang proud. “There is a lot to recommend in “Oh My Gods!” The dialogue and characterizations are spot on and snappy. Kudos also to Juliana Moon’s cartooning.

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Read Across America Day

It’s Read Across America Day! To celebrate, Comic Con Museum put together a video series featuring authors reading their works. I was honoured to participate and will take any opportunity to help promote reading. I read an excerpt from Oh My Gods! and shared some pages from the book. If you

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What I’m Watching: February 2021 Edition

I have become a relatively boring creature that has not a lot to do outside of work. That’s largely because of the ongoing pandemic…but I also haven’t made much effort to do anything else besides watching stuff. If you’re curious about what I watched in February, here’s my list: Nora

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Team OH MY GODS! Talks to Comix Experience

We had the great pleasure of talking to Brian at Comix Experience about Oh My Gods! Our book was their Graphic Novel of the Month (for Kids) title. We talked about our process, the story, the art, characters, and answered questions! You can watch it over on their YouTube channel

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A Wild Newsletter Appeared!

What’s this? A newsletter, you say? Well, it’s true and here for you to read and enjoy. The first one went out yesterday (click here to read it) and sign yourself up going forward. I’ll be releasing them on a monthly basis and going through what’s new with me, sharing links,

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What I’m Watching: January 2021 Edition

This has sort of become a thing for me during self-isolation; watching stuff, tracking it, and sharing it with anyone who might be interested. I genuinely have no idea if anyone cares, but it’s a nice little way for me to be aware of everything that I’ve been enjoying. Over the

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That’s Not Disneyland!

What funny things did you believe as a kid? I had a funny talk with some friends a couple of weeks ago that brought back some childhood memories. We were talking about where I grew up (Kingston, ON) and how there were an exceptional number of prisons in the area.

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Stephanie’s Baked Pancake Recipe

I love pancakes. SO DANG MUCH. I legit have a cookbook all about pancakes and try to have them fairly regularly. Although since I learned how to make Dutch Babies (aka baked pancakes), I’ve been less into the “normal” pancakes. I’ve been making them for a while now and have formulated

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OH MY GODS! Link Roundup

We have had such a wonderful response to the release of Oh My Gods! and I wanted to share a few of the interviews, reviews, and other fun things that we’ve been seeing around the internet since the launch. Interviews: Fanbase Press Interviews STEPHANIE COOKE on the Upcoming Release of OH

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OH MY GODS Acknowledgments

Oh My Gods! has finally hit store shelves, and I am over the moon and thrilled that it’s out in the world. We have a pretty big (yet small) team, so we didn’t do an acknowledgements section in the book; I wanted to give some shout outs to the people who

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Last of the TV Show Binge of 2020

I know we’re in 2021 now (thank god) but I’m finally just getting around to posting the last of the media I enjoyed last year. You’ve maybe seen that I’ve been tracking my TV watches so this is the last little bit of what I watched, which consisted of a lot

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Video Games Played in 2020

I’ve been tracking a lot of what I watched, read, and played in 2020 and even though we’re a few days into 2021 now, I thought I’d share the games I played this year. I’m too tired to write up more about them but you can say hello on Twitter

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Oh My Gods! Book 1 is nearly here, and we only have a couple more weeks to wait until it hits store shelves. And to keep the momentum going, we have exciting news about Book 2. We’re proud to be able to tell you the title, the plot, and share our aMAZEing

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TARTARUS Named One of Nerdist’s Best Comics of 2020

In exciting news to kick off this week (or day two of this week…) Nerdist launched their Best Comics of 2020 list yesterday and included Tartarus under the Incredible Indie Comics section. In case you didn’t already know, Tartarus is a series from Image Comics by Johnnie Christmas, Jack T.

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TeachingBooks Interview and Oh My Gods! Excerpt

Team Oh My Gods! has been amping up our interviews and appearances as we get ready for the release of our book in LESS THAN ONE MONTH! We did a lovely little interview with the folx at TeachingBooks and read from the preview pages of our book. To hear some

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Pillow Talk Book Deal

I am so excited to be able to share some good news: My first YA graphic novel project is on the way from HMH/Etch! The book is called Pillow Talk and the artist working with me on it is the incredible Mel Valentine (with colours by Sam Pointon). We also have Lily

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SAM at Home – Storytelling for Kids Panel

Over the weekend was the 2020 SAM: Storytelling Across Media mini-convention. The event this year was all online and included 14 spectacular panels featuring a number of brilliant storytellers from across all different mediums. The panels were recorded and are now available to watch on Comic Con’s YouTube Channel, so

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TV Binge Watching: It Continues

I keep posting up all the stuff I’ve watched this year, and I continue to astound even myself. When did I have time to watch all of this? Do I always watch this much? I don’t think so…but I’ve never really tracked it this diligently before! It’s October now, and

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Pre-Order OH MY GODS! Now

I can’t believe that it’s October already – this year has simultaneously gone by extremely slow and ridiculously fast. In a few short months, my debut graphic novel, OH MY GODS! With Insha Fitzpatrick and art by Juliana Moon, will hit store shelves. One of the best ways to show

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Binge-Watches 2020: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

2020 has been a whole thing, as I’m sure we can all agree. All these TV shows and movies that I’ve been hoping to find time to get to have magically all gotten watched during self-isolation, and I’m somehow scrambling to find new things that are available on the streaming channels

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More Quarantine Binge-Watches

It’s now been 60 days since I posted up the first Quarantine Binge-Watches list. Along with countless others, I’ve been in self-isolation for months now, bringing my count up to 111 days. I’ve slowed down on watching movies, but if you’re curious about what I’ve been watching for cinema, you

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2020 Halfway Point Update

We’ve made it halfway through 2020! I’m proud of you all for making it to this point in what could be described for most as “a very bad year.” I don’t really know what I want to say, but in addition to Covid (and everything going on in the world),

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Today is the day that I can finally show you the cover to ParaNorthern and the Chaos Bunny A-hop-calypse. Mari Costa, who is also the artist for the interiors of the graphic novel, did the stunning cover. I admit that I teared up when I saw the cover for the first time,

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Stealing the Spotlight

Last night I was chatting with a friend and I remembered a story from several years back now. Of the many jobs that I’ve had over the years, one of my favourites was working as a movie buyer for a small independent movie store chain. The buyer is responsible for

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Quarantine Binge-Watches

Like a lot of you, I’ve been binge-watching a lot of stuff during this self-isolation. As of today, I’m at 50+ days at home and while it’s been a very odd and surreal time, it’s given me the opportunity to work through a chunk of my To Watch list. So…it’s strangely

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Issue Zero Podcast: Self-Isolation Recommendations

Continuing the podcast bandwagon that I’m on, I joined Fred Kennedy on the Issue Zero podcast for a minisode where we discuss some of the things that I’m enjoying during this self-isolation. I give recs for movies, video games, TV shows, board games, and comics! Check it out and maybe

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Comics for Self-Isolation Time

We’ve been in self-isolation for varying amounts of time at this point, but for many of us, it’s been a while. Since I know that we’re all just doing our best right now and trying to find ways to pass the time, I wanted to share some short stories for

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My 2020 Cooking Challenge

Okay, so I should preface this entire thing by immediately stating that the word “challenge” is a gross exaggeration of what it is I’m actually doing. Last year, I wrote three books (!!!) and while that’s a really good problem to have, my health took a bit of a hit.

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Writing: Helpful Tips for Getting Started

Over on the site I run, Creator Resource, I put together a post about getting started in the comics industry as a writer. I wanted to cross-post and share it here for anyone who might be interested. You can read the original here, if you’d like to support Creator Resource.

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2019 Movies Watched and Top 5

Like with my Books & Comics list, I’ve put together the films I’ve watched in a nice little graphic, courtesy of Letterboxd. I kind of wish that they had a feature like Goodreads where I could just compile the things I watched this year but OH WELL. I actually watched Midsommar

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Toronto Trash Panda Raccoon Costume: Halloween 2019

I love Halloween dearly. I don’t remember it always being this way but somewhere along the way, the holiday turned into something delightful and magical for me. Maybe it was that when I was a kid, I was at the mercy of my mother’s costuming abilities (which were actually pretty

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Mississauga Comic Expo 2019

Over the weekend, I had the privilege of attending MCX (Mississauga Comic Expo) at the Mississauga Central Library where I had a booth set up for Creator Resource, and I was the Noel Ryan Auditorium moderator for the day. My friend Tate came with me to help watch the Creator

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ANNOUNCEMENT: ParaNorthern Book Deal

I have been waiting for what feels like an eternity to finally be able to talk about this upcoming project of mine. It was the first story I ever really set out to really complete and make happen, and over the years it’s grown so much from what it originally was

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Q&A: How do you get inspired to write?

There’s no one way for me to find inspiration, but I love to consume movies, TV, podcasts, comics, books…anything that I might enjoy. When I really like something, sometimes it makes me think about how I could tell a story like that and I start crafting ideas around it. Other

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Q&A: How many projects do you have on the go at the moment?

The short answer is this: both too many and not enough because of imposter syndrome, and also anxiety. But the slightly longer answer is that I have: Three longform OGNs Five comic editing projects (two ongoing series) Two web sites (Creator Resource and Creator Advisor) Two volunteer organization projects (TCAF

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Life Finds a Way Anthology: NOW ON KICKSTARTER

The Life Finds A Way anthology is now live on Kickstarter. It’s an anthology filled with post-apocalyptic stories that have a positive spin, and I am so happy and honoured to be a part of this book filled with so many talented creators. My story for the anthology is titled Green Thumb

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The Guide to the Animals in my Life

One can never have too many animals in their life, and truly over the last few months I have been blessed with a plethora of fantastic fur friends. So, I thought I’d compile a short guide to the amazing critters that I love. KAYLEE Kaylee is my #1. My ride

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Over the weekend were two big days for me… well, one big day for my sweet patootie (it was his birthday) and that was followed by our anniversary. PLUS on Friday, I went with some friends to see the play Waitress, which is a musical based on the film by

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What I’m Watching – August 2019

For the last little while I’ve been bingeing TV in my spare time. I haven’t had an attention span for a lot of movies (except really cheesy and bad ones) so TV while I half-heartedly pay attention and doodle has been where I’m at. I thought I’d share a few

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Creator at Large Podcast: An Evolving Comics Career

Recently I was a guest on the wonderful Creator at Large podcast with Jeremy Melloul. The episode is live now and I wanted to share it with y’all! Below is the copy from the site: Stephanie Cooke is a comic book writer, editor, and ally to comic creators everywhere. She takes on

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Life Finds A Way: Green Thumb, Stephanie Cooke Interview

From over on Cloudscape Comics’ site where I recently did an interview to promote our upcoming anthology, Life Finds A Way: This post is a part of a series of articles about Cloudscape’s Life Finds A Way anthology. Visit the landing page for more information on the project. What’s your name? Stephanie

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Oh My Gods Book Deal

I have been TERRIBLE with updating my blog over the last little while but I have very exciting news that I can finally share (and use to hopefully have you understand why I haven’t been online as much). I’m happy and RELIEVED to be able to talk about this!!!! Oh

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DnD is happening after all my years!

Yeah so it has taken me a substantial number of years to get around to playing DnD. Not because I didn’t want to but more because every time I’ve gotten close to trying to play, the groups either never happened or just fell apart due to time and what not.

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Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019…Almost

2018 has been a rollercoaster of emotions for pretty much everyone. Politics especially have taken over a big chunk of our lives as we devote a ton of mental space to trying to fight the people who are taking away the rights of so many people. I’ve had a crazy year

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Movie Night: Double Feature Extraordinaires

Movie nights are amazing – especially the kind where you’re at home or a friend’s place and you can get cozy with great company. My friends and I have recently started doing a monthly get together where we pick the ULTIMATE of double features, order comfort food, and watch them.

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The Halloweekend

It’s no secret to those around me that I love Halloween. I definitely don’t go as all out as a lot of people that I know but it’s up there with my favourite times of year. Who doesn’t love getting the chance to dress up as whatever you want and

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I’m Learning to Play D&D!

After many years of almost starting in a D&D group and having it not pan out, I met up with some friends last night who had invited me to be a part of an upcoming campaign. I am very excited. I feel like D&D is such a massive part of geek

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Top 20 Comic Books

I was recently asked to share a list of my Top 20 Comic Books. It’s been a loooooooong time since I did any list like this so I started mulling things over in my head and decided to put something together. I feel as though I’m missing a million things

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MCX 2018 is a Wrap

On Saturday I headed out to Mississauga with the lovely Tory Woollcott and Andrew Wheeler to attend MCX – the Mississauga Comic Expo. I had never attended before but one of the organizers is Jason Loo, who is a fabulous comics creator in the Toronto area. The con takes place

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What’s Next: MCX – Mississauga Comic Expo

I probably should’ve posted this earlier than the day before but I’ll be at MCX (the Mississauga Comic Expo) on Saturday October 20 (aka tomorrow). I’m moderating two panels as a part of Creator Resource and will be wandering around the show for the remainder of the day. I’m really

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Last Night’s Event

I’m trying to get better about blogging again (we’ll see how long I can keep it up…) so I wanted to talk a bit about an event I ran last night. You may or may not know that I’ve been running a site called Creator Resource along with some other

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Favourite Reads of 2018 (so far)

I’ve been voraciously reading this year and trying my best to get through as many book books (as opposed to comic books) as possible. I’ve neglected books for a while in favourite of comics so it felt like a good year to shift my primary focus. I’ve missed reading and

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31 Spooky Halloween Movie Recs

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s Halloween and that means that it’s a whole month of spookiness and costuming goodness. I’ve loved the month of October in all its haunted glory but previously it was for the costumes and parties, as opposed to the spookiness of the

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Creator Advisor

I haven’t really blogged in a while so I thought now might be a good time to start it back up again. I’ve been working on a lot of projects and one of those projects is called Creator Advisor. It’s a FREE service that I’m offering to folks where I

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I’ve got an agent!

On Monday, I made an exciting announcement on social media that I’m coming here to share with you: I’ve signed on with Maria Vicente of PS Literary Agency. Maria will be representing me for all my writing projects going forward and I could not be more excited to be working

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Toronto is a great place to be a comic book lover

When I have friends visit Toronto for the first time, one of the first thing that strikes them as fellow book-lovers is that we have a remarkable number of small bookstores around the city. Over the years, they’ve dwindled down but comparable to many other cities, especially in the United States, there’s still a ton.

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On Writing: “Behind Enemy Linens”

“Behind Enemy Linens” was a story that I wrote for Little Red Bird Press’ anthology titled BLOCKED. The idea behind BLOCKED was to tell stories about the world of online dating through sites such as Tinder and OKCupid, and specifically, the horror stories. If anyone has followed me for any

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On Writing: “Home Sweet Huck”

In September of 2016, I entered Mark Millar’s talent search competition for a chance to write a “Huck” story within the 2017 Millarworld Annual. I had written an original script and submitted that into the contest. The prize was a writer’s page rate (as per Marvel/DC), being paired up with

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That Time I Tried Extreme Pillow Fighting

No, this is not a joke. Extreme pillow fighting is a very real thing and this week, I tried it. More accurately, I tried OUT for it at the Anchored Social Club in Toronto, which is kind of like where you’d expect a Canadian Fight Club to take place. A

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