Cat Ninja #27: The Howliday Inn

When Master Hamster and Cat Ninja check into the pet spa, Cat Ninja senses something not-quite-right about the place. Is he just in major need of some rest and relaxation? Or are his suspicions correct?

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Cat Ninja: Heart of a Hero (Volume 6)

It’s nonstop crime time in Metro City, and the hero the city needs is…Octopunch? Even an eight-armed avenger can’t keep the streets safe by himself, though, so Cat Ninja’s spending all his time catching crooks—and no time curled up with his family.

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The Racc Pack

Meet the Bins, a family of raccoons determined to leave no garbage bin unturned in their pursuit of the tastiest trash they can find.

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Pillow Talk

Grace Mendes AKA Cinderhella competes for glory in Pillow Talk, a fresh, coming-of-age YA graphic novel by Stephanie Cooke and Mel Valentine.

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A series of short silent comics inspired by David Attenborough’s Planet Earth and James Cameron’s Avatar, imagining wildlife on alien worlds.

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Oh My Gods! Book Cover

Oh My Gods! Book 1

Oh My Gods!, the first in a new middle grade graphic novel series, reads as if Raina Telgemeier and Rick Riordan teamed up to write a comic, and offers a fresh and funny spin on Greek mythology.

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